Friday, April 3, 2009

No laptops!!

Dear readers, This is not a joke Wallahi, It happened already!! As you know, I am working in a research institute following the University. Our department is a small one with a very light work load (samples that we receive from the institute hospital). Any way, we have 8 residences & 7 assistant lecturers, other than the staff members of course. Those 15 physician have nothing to do all the day long except for some minimal duties that can be held by 2 persons daily. The rest of us used to sit aside with their laptops, reading things, finishing a thesis, searching for new topics...............(remember it is a research institute!!). It is worth mentioning here that the dean had decided to cut our laptops out of the institute's network (that's provided by the university for research purposes where we have an open access to some journals & sites). Only one desktop in the department should have access to the internet so that we won't slow it down!! On the other hand, all the employees who have nothing to do with the internet have access through their computers!!! Ma3alena, we decided to download things at home & read it at work. One nice morning, they woke up & found us sitting on our laptops (because we have nothing else to do), they decided that no laptops are allowed in the department before 1:00 p.m daily!! (remember guys, this is a research institute). They thought about finding us something to do, what? O.K instead of using the new techniques that finishes the patient results in minutes, we should work using the inaccurate tedious old methods that takes hours to get a less accurate result for the same analysis!!! I won't comment, waiting for you.


Gihan said...

Moken a2abba7?

I can't believe this begad.. bass essara7a ya3ny you should do something about this, even if it meant defying the orders straight an continue to bring your laptops!!

Dah eh el araf dah!

Begad howa leeh feeh nass keda?
You know what? maybe the decision maker wants a laptop rashwa!

mohra said...

dear ola
the aim of medical organisation in egypt is not to get the job done but to get the physion done(3la nar hadia ya3ny)
on the issue of cairo ,i dont think you can have a good medical career anywhere in egypt(however i dont want to leave it as i am ediot)people are not open minded at all,i always thought alexandrian are light hearted, merry all times
keep your faith and patience

maxxedout said...

Research in the newspapers

Mohammad said...

That should be your motto:

"(Ola's research institute), where patients are not at all important!"

hope your research institute has a catchy name. I'm sure patients will be flocking and fighting to get your services!

u know, staying and working in places like that is a crime against society, not only yourself. Maybe you should start considering other options. I'm sure u're not that helpless that u can't do without their employment and degrees.

Ola said...

Bra7tek:) 2oli eli enti 3aizah!!
Ah wallahi fi nas keda:(

May be you are right about Egyptian medical organizations, but we should do something about it, right??
Thanks for your opinion about Alexandrians:)

Or in saba7 el 7'eir ya masr:)

I am not helpless, I have my other job where I can do whatever right things that I want to do!! but I don't want to give this thing up!! Someone must try my friend & certainly many will succeed!! Not in the neer future may be, ya mosahel:)