Monday, May 18, 2009

The list of eights!

I was tagged by my dear friend gjoe & here it is: 8 Things I’m looking forward to: 1) Finish this semester exams safely! 2) A really long vacation 3) Finish my MD 4) Be like Dr. Amina (I'll write a whole post about her) 5) See my best friend in a good health isA 6) See my younger brother as a reliable person 7) Live in the U.K for 2 years 8) Get a Noble prize 8 Things I did yesterday: 1) Woke up late 2) A lot of phone calls 3) Studied for about 2 hours 4) Went to the lab 5) Had a nice meeting with my unit 6) had a hard time with some guy 7) Ate chocolate 8) Checked my mail 50 times 8 Things I Wish I could do (ranked by the degree of impossiblness) 1) Live on my own for a while 2) Change my staff members minds 3) Live among a bunch of beautiful minds 4) Loose weight 5) Work on my temper 6) Get rid of all annoying persons in my life 7) Take a vacation now 8) No more you tube 8 Shows I Watch: 1) Friends 2) ER 3) Ra2fat Elhagan 4) Ragel w set setat 5) Gray's anatomy 6) Laiali El7elmeia 7) Fraiser 8) The profiler!! 8 Things I Love: 1) Sleep late 2) Wake up early 3) Walk by the sea 4) Early morning coffee, by the sea 5) Chocolate 6) Getting along with my old friends 7) Read others' blogs 8) My work Tagging 8 blogers: Geddo eskander, insomniac, MOHALY, Epitaph, Evaluna, No fear, حائر في دنيا الله, nourahaty


No Fear said...

السلام عليكم
أنت رحتي مصانع قبل كده و لا أية؟
صح هو فعلا كل الناس بتقولي يا بشمهندس
شكرا علي التاج و هاجاوبه لما أرجع من الشغل إن شاء الله
علشان مش هألحق دلوقتي

Epitaph1987 said...

eh dah..I'm tagged!! :) ...sometimes i love tags...w belzat mnk ya gameel...eshta will do it soon isA


bs feeh 7agat common hena :))

liked your answers :)


Ola said...

No fear,
و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
لأ، بس أنا طبيبة عمل و بتعامل مع كيميائيين كتير و كتير منهم بيسيبونا علشان يروحوا مصانع:) نورت مصر

Right, fi 7agat common!! Waiting for your answers sweety:)

No Fear said...

السلام عليكم
معلش أنا هأتأخر شوية في الرد علي التاج أوك
لو أوك

Ola said...

No fear,
Take your time:)