Saturday, May 23, 2009

I need an answer please

Dear readers, I have to deal with a stupid person on daily basis. I don't see her daily but I am left with her stupid acts & decisions. I tried 100 times to let her feel that her decisions are always wrong, but she never got my hints. She is older than me that's why I am keeping my limits, though I am a person that's known for her temper. My question here, and please I need an answer from every one who passes by: What shall I do with her? Waiting for your views guys. Thank you


Shimaa Gamal said...

Don't hint. If her stupidity is affecting your job you should tell her.
Tell her as things happen, when she does something that affects you tell her what she did and how you were affected.
Be nice :) say please ... Else you will eventually blow up in her face.

insomniac said...


i am sorry but i can't imagine you being known for your temper, you're too... subtle and authoritative keda, sa3b tekoony betet3asaby like me, or like your brother masalan!

anyway, i would second shimaa if the person is not a boss... if it is a boss, i don't think confrontation works, not in the egyptian work place, it will only get you in trouble!

Anonymous said...

طلعى دينها ومش ترحمها
:D :D

No Fear said...

السلام عليكم
في أسئلة كتير
هل أفعالها دي أضرارها بتيجي عليكي و لا لا
مدي تأثيرها عليكي
يعني هي الدكتورة المشرفة عليكي
و لا هي زميلتك بس
و هكذا يعني
أرجو التوضيح
علشان افتي براحتي
و لعلمك أنا خبرة في المواضيع دي جداااا
و بقيت شرييييييير

Ola said...

Mafeash faida!!

She is not a boss,
This is a very nice opinion about me!! Please tell guys at work!

No fear,
هي مالهاش علاقة بشغل الجامعة و الدكتوراه خالص
هي بتشتغل في نفس المعمل الخاص اللي أنا بشتغل فيه، و شغلها المفروض انه مالوش دعوه بشغلي بشكل مباشر بس الموضوع مينفعش يبقى مفصول أوي كده، و بعدين أنا بتحمق قوي و باخد على أعصابي لو أي غلطة حصلت حتى لو متخصنيش، بالذات بقى لو كان سببها الغباء الانساني