Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ya Rab!

After taking my previous decisions and arrangements, things didn't go well as I hoped.
Alhamdolillah any ways, but I was running in all directions trying to catch this and fix that, trying to finish my pending tasks,........I managed many things but I failed in one important thing: Religious wise, I felt unstable far away from my intended objectives. This had a negative impact on my spirits and accordingly on my performance. I am a person who does not regret, who does not look behind her back and who certainly tries to learn from the things that went wrong. So, in order to get things fixed and to get back on the right track, I have a small plan, I will write it here (though these things are supposed to be private), for several reasons, first my blog's traffic is very weak after the long absence I had, second, Alhamdolillah i am adjusting my intentions (Neia) here, so that I hope any one who reads this to get benefit from it and to remember me in the good du3aa isA. also, i wrote here to keep reminding myself of what i intended to do isA, may GOD help me:

1) Pray within 15 minutes after the azan, all prayers, isA.
2) Pray 2 rak3et keiam, just after isha prayers isA with 1/2 hezb kor2an, daily isA, then wetr
3) 5 minutes du3aa before fagr isA
4) Read 1 religious book / week isA
5) Read 1 book (Not related to my specialty) / week isA

Allahu Almosta3an:)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

حمزه نمره

ذهبت الليله إلى حفله للمطرب حمزه نمره في مكتبة الأسكندريه، و لقد إستمتعت للغايه و قضيت وقتا لطيفا جدا لعدة أسباب:
أولا: لقد مضى زمن بعيد جدا منذ ذهابي لأحد الحفلات الغنائيه، زمن لا أتذكره تحديدا!!
ثانيا: برغم إنتشار أغاني حمزه نمره إلا أنها المرة الأولى التي أسمعه فيها!! و لست أعني سماعه على الطبيعه، و لكنني لم أسمع أي من أغانيه شديدة الإنتشار باستثناء مقاطع سريعه من أغنية "إنسان" أثناء مروري السريع على قنوات التليفزيون
ثالثا: هو مطرب جيد للغايه، يقدم فنا محترما و كلمات راقيه و أغاني حماسيه ليس فيها إسفاف أو تجاوز، كما أن الحفله نفسها لم يكن بها أي تجاوزات رغم متوسط الأعمار الصغير للحاضرين
رابعا: كان معي صحبه أكثر من رائعه من أقرب الأصدقاء إلى قلبي
خامسا: يعد هذا هو أول الأوقات الممتعة التي أقضيها بعض قراري السابق بأن أغير من أدائي و كيفية تعاملي على جميع المستويات (برجاء قرائة البوست السابق)
سادسا: برد قارص و أمطار غزيره على إسكندريتي الجميله!

الحمد لله

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Back to writing!

I used to spend some good time here! I used to write things that pops up into my mind or to share things I thought they might be interesting. 
After the Facebook, most people dumped their blogs, but back then I dumped the facebook!
Well, the blog has its special criteria, you talk, you exchange thoughts with people you don't know, people you may never see, people who won't judge you,......people who are not your facebook friends.
And then I got busier, day after day, I had a lot of tasks that passed the due dates and I have daily added tasks that I don't even have time to organize!! I am not complaining, I am the mistaken one here. I am supposed to be a person with a certain caliber, some one who can finish all duties on time, organize herself and her life in a better way and look for new fields for improvement.
Well, it is always easy to say I don't have time, I'm over stuffed,............................
And it is even easier to incriminate the "system", you say to yourself: I have so many great ideas, but look at Egypt (before and after the revolution). You can always say that one can't work alone, you need others to help you and of course every one thinks he  / she is the good one and the others are the "non-helping, non-motivated" people! So poor me, what shall I do?
And nowadays, talking politics is really fashionable! I might waste hours talking and debating,......and then, oops; my due dates!
I used to sign my older posts as "frustrated", then thank GOD I changed this. Now, and since the last time I have been here, I progressed a lot Alhamdolillah. I achieved a lot of things, but I also failed to achieve few important things. 
Now, my dreams had changed, I have new views, new ideas and above all, new hopes:))
I think I will share all these things soon isA, but now I am trying to commit to writing! It might have nothing to do with all the above mentioned things, but I know it; I used to have good times and now I feel I am in a vicious circle; work, then work, then strangely; work where I don't progress as I am supposed to and definitely, not having any fun!
I am going to have all the good things I used to do back isA.
I am going to read again; and I mean here non-medical books! isA
I am going to share my thoughts and dreams again isA, and I am going to share the good things I read isA.
I am going to spend time with friends and family isA.
I am going to arrange my schedule and catch up with all my pending tasks isA.
I am going to be useful again, not only for myself, but for others as well, may GOD help me here.
I will start now with having a quick tour among blogs, then I will send fb msgs to all my old friends; with whom I lost contact for a while now, then I will write ALL the things I am planing to do in the near and far future isA and start organizing them, finally, I will finalize my MD thesis statistics isA!
Ya mosahel:)))