Wednesday, December 3, 2008

7aram 3alekom

I can't imagine!! 2 dead girls, 2 murdered girls, they were killed in such a terrible way, they left 2 sad families behind them, those rascals in the media started to make up stories since minute 1 after the crime!! Villa, no it's just a flat. 23 years old, no she was just 19 The killer was someone they used to know, no he is just a damn robber. He killed them as a revenge, no he killed them because he saw them in front of him. He cut her tongue, no he did not. He put whatever substance in her uterus!!, no, of course he did not. Drugs, wine,...............nothing was there in their place. What is it people??? what is it?? how dare you? how dare you do this to those innocents when their bodies were still warm!! What on earth was you aiming for? Where you after Laila Ghofran?? who on earth is this lady?? even if she is something, does this give you the right to do that to 2 victims? And can anyone tell me from where did they invent all those things?? no no really I am asking here, from where did you all get those lies? and how come that you had all settled on the same things?? Have you seen the father? the poor guy forgot his main tragedy and was thanking those people who got his late daughter's right!! those who cleared the reputation of the 19 years old murdered girl. Oh GOD, is this possible? can a victim be treated in this way?? I can't find words, really, I am speechless here,.................ya rab,7'odhom kolohom


Unknown said...

قديما كان شعار الصحافة
مهنة البحث عن الحقيقة
ولكن للاسف بعضهم الان استبدل
شعاره هذا بمهنة البحث عن (الفرقعات) بدون التحقق او حتى النظر فى حقيقة ما يكتب وهل ما سيكتبه له اثر مدمر او ضار على الاخر ام لا ؟لا يهم مادام سيحقق مبيعات أكثر وأعلانات اكثر!!

Unknown said...

Where r u??

Ola said...

Here I am my dear:) Thank you for your concern.
I think you are very right in what you said, Ya rab er7amna.
I don't feel like writing but I follow all your posts & leave my comments there!!